How should we prepare for GATE Exam 2022?
GATE Exam 2022, being one of the most prestigious engineering GATE examinations, witnesses a number of candidates every year. With tough competition, one of the most asked questions is “How to Prepare for GATE Exam 2022?”. While the ration of success in GATE Exam 2022 solely depends on your level of dedication and hard work, there are a few tips or factors which can help you get the most accurate answer for your question, “How to prepare for GATE Exam 2022?”. For this very reason, GATEFLIX presents a whole blog on “How to Prepare for GATE Exam 2022”, which is a compilation of factors to help you boost your preparation and aid in cracking the GATE Examination. The tips on how to prepare for GATE Exam 2022 has been compiled after referring to the advices given by previous GATE Exam toppers and experts. Read the full article to know more about ‘How to Prepare for GATE Exam 2020’. GATE is conducted annually and acts as an entrance examination for IIT M. Tech admissions. GATE Exam 2022 scores are also taken into consideration for some PSU recruitment.
1. Start as early as possible
Firstly, the initiative on how to prepare for GATE Exam 2022 is to start early. By beginning the preparation process early, you will be able to plan your studies and check for the materials which you’ll be needing to study. Just by starting the preparation beforehand, you have won half of the war. This will ensure, that you have get enough time to strategize and to study the various concepts and topics present in the GATE exam syllabus for 2022. Ensure that no day is wasted out and each and every second is used by its fullest, parallelly prioritizing your health and sleep.
2. Get thorough with the GATE Exam 2022 Syllabus and GATE Exam Pattern
One of the most important things to mark tick is the “to-do-list” while starting off your preparation for any GATE exam, is to check the syllabus.
3. Another important tip is to be familiar with the exam pattern of GATE exam 2022
A good understanding of the GATE exam pattern will let you know how to go ahead on the path of GATE exam preparation process. It is very essential to know the GATE exam pattern, since GATE Exam has many types of questions and also consists of compulsory sections. The knowledge of the GATE exam pattern will give you a good clarity to the candidates, on how to prepare for GATE Exam 2022.
GATE Exam Pattern of GATE 2022 is as below:
Particulars | Details |
Duration of GATE Exam | 3 Hours |
Types of Questions | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Numerical Answer Type Questions (NAT) |
Sections | GATE question paper will consist of three sections except for AR, CY, GG, EY, XL, PH and MA General Aptitude Engineering Mathematics (for XL papers it is Chemistry) Subject – Specific section |
Total Number of Questions | 65 Questions |
Total Marks Negative Marking |
100 ¼ for each wrong question |
4. Note the weightage of your strong subjects in GATE exam 2022:
Knowledge about the topic distribution in the GATE exam question paper is a good strategy to be adapted during GATE exam preparation purposes. You can go through the previous year’s GATE Exam question papers to see how the topics and concepts were divided for the examination. By getting a rough idea of the weightage, you can concentrate on those topics which seem to have more questions and distribution more marks in the question paper. Knowing topic-wise distribution is a great way to start your preparation for the GATE exam 2022.
5. Personalised study plan is a must for GATE exam preparation:
The next step after checking the GATE exam syllabus and topic weightage, is to draft an individual study plan. A customised GATE exam study plan helps in dividing the study time table subject-wise according to your preference. By preparing a study plan, you will be able to equally give your time to an allotted chapter or topic while squeezing in time for mock tests, sample paper practice and also some rest. The following points can be remembered while preparing the GATE exam study plan:
- Set targets, on daily – weekly and monthly basis.
- Remember to evenly divide GATE exam topics into difficult, moderate and easy sections.
- Schedule your GATE Exam topics in a way that it doesn’t look too repetitive.
- Give more importance to the topics which have the highest possibilities of being asked in the GATE Exam 2022.
- Make sure you solve enough mock tests and sample papers of GATE Exam and also keep a track of all your score checking your graph.
- Break time and its duration should be slotted in a way that you remain fresh even during long study hours.
Similarly, the following points should be avoided while the study plan is being prepared for GATE Exam 2022:
- Do not overcrowd a single slot with too many tough or difficult topics of GATE Exam, either way round, take only a couple at a time.
- Do not forget to arrange revision time after finishing every single chapter.
- Do not follow anyone else’s schedule. Make your own study plan for GATE Exam 2022 Preparations it shall fit best to your taste and help you in a better way.
6. Usage of GATE Exam Reference Books is necessary.
A lot of books are often named for references by previous year toppers, which would help in GATE Exam 2022 preparation. While the textbooks can be used for studying, it is recommended that extra books should also be looked into to give that extra boost. The following table can be referred to know the best books for preparation of GATE Exam 2022. The list has been compiled on the basis of recommendation of previous GATE Exam toppers and experts.
7. Focus on Engineering Mathematics and Aptitude Test
If prepared well, you can score well in these two compulsory sections of GATE Exam 2022 paper. Since these two sections are said to constitute of basic topics, you can prepare well and raise your scores. While Mathematics can be studied along the lines of Engineering, the section of general aptitude can be prepared through newspapers and the past papers of other competitive exams such as CAT and more. The following books can be referred to for Engineering Mathematics:
- Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig
- Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth Rosen
- Engineering Mathematics by BS Garewal
8. Importance of Clear-Headed Concepts
There is a high need for clear-headed concepts while attempting GATE Exam 2022. A good conceptual understanding will be able to help you during the GATE examination as it will make the questions explanatory which may eventually lead to a correct answer. By having a clear understanding of the concepts, you will be able to apply the concepts accordingly to the questions and solve it instead of relying on rote memory. If there are any doubts about the GATE Exam concepts, you can always approach your teachers and fellow students to understand it. Social media groups dedicated to GATE Exam preparation can also be very helpful in clearing doubts.
Along with understanding the concepts, there is also a need to improve the calculation skills for the GATE examination. While a virtual calculator will be provided at the GATE exam center, it is a bit more complicated than a regular calculator and so it is advised that it should not be fully relied upon.
9. Revision for GATE Exam Preparation
Revision is one of the major factors of how to prepare for GATE Exam 2022. It is very important to assign enough time for revision during preparation for GATE Exam 2022. After studying and learning any particular topics or concepts, revision should always be done frequently so as to not forget what was learned. The revision will aid in the understanding of the topics or concepts and make you more knowledgeable. This will also act as an evaluation to check how much of the studied topics have you retained. During revision, you can create small notes which you can later refer to in case you have difficulty remembering it.
10. Time Management is Essential
“Time waits for none”. This quote holds true for GATE exam preparation. One of the major factors to focus on during preparation for GATE Exam 2022 is time management. Division of time for studying, revision, practicing sample papers and attempting mock test should be done earlier and in a systematic manner. While planning the time management, personal abilities, strengths and weaknesses should be considered. Enough time should be given to oneself to properly prepare for the exam while leaving out time for the essential revision.
Here are some more tips which can be followed to prepare for GATE Exam 2022:
- Analyse your preparation. After completing every mock test or solving sample papers, it is important to check and try to correct all of the wrong answers marked by you. This will ensure that you will not wrongly answer the same question next time.
- It is important to take care of your health. Make sure to eat healthy food and to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep will just make it hard for you to study.
- Do not give up on co-curricular activities. It is important to indulge in things other than studies for a while to refresh the mind.
Keep being motivated and focus on your own preparation.
Students also read : Complete GATE Exam 2022 Preparation Strategy, Syllabus, Q&A